Hello, im Lewis aka Patch from Birmingham, England. I am a content creator who is at college gaining the grades needed to become a pilot irl. I am 25 and love flight sim. Starting from when I was a kid I loved being around planes. Theres some of those cringy pictures somewhere of me in captain jackets and a hat. Resparking my love for aviation about a year ago I flew msfs 2020 for the first time and from there the passion grew. I made a decision this was wanted to do as a job and persued college to enable me to do it. I currently try and stream where I can as you can imagine a full time job and college can be rather difficault, this however will change with openings up to more free time becoming available. Sharing my flights and my journeys across the world, gap filling with in flight entertainment. I hope to see you in one of the streams very soon.


If you would like to join my community discord feel free to click here

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  • Currently I stream when I can. Recent events have opened me up for some more time very soon which means Il be back to a schedule very shortly.

  • I got into streaming when I was alot younger, had a drive to try going live playing cs:go. That was until it was more rage than content of which not proud of. I made a come back then to streaming around April 2023 where I was playing valorant and final fantasy. Was only 2024 where I discovererd MSFS 2020 and fell in love with aviaition to where it is now my priamary content. I will always stick by variety streamer where from time to time il play something new but flights will be seen here more.

  • This is a nickname my mother gave me from birth. Complications led to this nickname and I have stuck through my entire gaming carrer using it. Only seemed right to carry that tradition on.

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  • PusInnBoots

    Head Moderator

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  • Vivifie
