Lewis Pallett Lewis Pallett


Hi everyone, I wanted to give you an update to where I have been for the last month. In regards to the sickness which preveneted the return stream I have been struggling with fatigue and exhaustion for quite some time. This was noticable with the streams I was making priar to the break. Now in the mean time I have also got my college exams coming up so will continue to be off with attempts for something on saturdays. Not long now then I will be coming back :) thankyou for the support and people checking up on me its been a rather eventful month. Hope to see you all very soon <3

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Lewis Pallett Lewis Pallett

Return Stream Postponed

It is with a heavy heart I must postpone my event stream returning back. I have been rather ill over the last 4 days with a norovirus that has not been very kind to me. From sleepless nights of vomiting, shakes and fever. To headaches that bring me to breaking points. I will reschedule this even and hope to achieve it by the weekend coming. Il keep you up to date thankyou for your patience.

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Lewis Pallett Lewis Pallett

Website Made Public

Officially pushing out my website. Hope you enjoy. The settings page currently is down whilst I do maintainance on the page. Everything else should be up and running. I hope this is a huge improvement from the original and you come here often to get updates and check out what im doing. Heres to returning to streaming on Saturday and I hope to see you in the live <3

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Lewis Pallett Lewis Pallett

Website Is Alive !!

Website Is Alive !!

Home page is coming together

This began as an idea. Nurtured through time I decided it was time to take a leap of faith. This has now led to the creation of not only the discord, the pushing of going of lives and now a website, this is where I hope you will come to see updates and follow along with what is happening. Learning about how I make my flights happen and about who I am. Here is to the next step in my streaming life. Strap in, get some snacks and be ready to board when the time comes <3

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